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2022-03-03  点击:[]

  韦恩·约翰斯博士(Dr.Wayne Johns),圣安德鲁斯大学英语和传播艺术双学士学位、乔治亚州立大学艺术硕士、佛罗里达州立大学英文博士。约翰斯博士曾在大型公立大学、社区学院和小型私立文理学院任教,并曾在大学创作中心、佐治亚州立大学(GSU)残障学生合作学习实验室担任导师,在佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)学生支持中心的多元文化领域担任顾问和讲师。


  约翰斯博士曾担任The Southeast Review,Anhinga Press,St. Andrews Press以及International Quarterly等出版社的编辑。他的纪实文章和新闻作品曾在刊载在 Yes! Weekly, The New New South, The Southern Quarterly, The Tallahassee Democrat, Raleigh Review, and the North Carolina Literary Review 等报刊新闻上;他的作品被收录在《最佳新诗》、《每日诗歌》、《诗歌日报》和《美国侨民:流离失所的诗歌》(爱荷华大学出版社)上。

  约翰斯博士曾获模范教师奖、摩尔教授奖、中美洲评论和Unicorn出版社的编辑选择奖、Prairie Schooner的读者选择奖、James Applewhite诗歌奖、Rane Arroyo Chapbook奖、Frank O'Hara Chapbook奖以及 2019年度Brockman-Campbell荣誉奖,其作品被授予北卡罗来纳州最佳诗歌书籍。

  约翰斯博士曾担任的Lambda小说的文学研究员和佛罗里达州立大学研究员,现任EcoTheo Review执行编辑。

Dr. Wayne Johns received a BA with a double major in English and Communication Arts from St. Andrews University, MFA from Georgia State University, and Ph.D in English from Florida State University. He has taught at large public universities, community colleges, and small private liberal arts colleges, and has worked as a tutor in university Writing Centers, a Cooperative Learning Lab for students with disabilities at GSU, and also as an advisor and instructor in the Multicultural Student Support Center at FSU.

While still in college, Dr. Johns interned at Image Film & Video Center/Atlanta Film Society and in the editing department on a feature film. Since then, he has taken courses in Multicultural Film Pedagogy at FSU, and in documentary video production and digital publishing at Duke University’s Center for Documentary Studies.

Dr. Johns has served as an editor for The Southeast Review, Anhinga Press, St. Andrews Press, and International Quarterly. His non-fiction and journalism have appeared in Yes! Weekly, The New New South, The Southern Quarterly, The Tallahassee Democrat, Raleigh Review, and the North Carolina Literary Review, among others; his work has been anthologized in Best New Poets, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and American Diaspora: Poetry of Displacement (University of Iowa Press).

His awards include the Exemplary Teacher Award, the Moore Professorship, Editors’ Choice Awards from Mid-American Review and Unicorn Press, Readers’ Choice Award from Prairie Schooner, James Applewhite Poetry Prize, Rane Arroyo Chapbook Award, Frank O’Hara Chapbook Award, and Honorable Mention for the 2019 Brockman-Campbell Award, given for the best book by a NC poet. A former Lambda Literary Fellow in Fiction, and Kingsbury Fellow at Florida State University, he is currently managing editor of EcoTheo Review.

上一条:何慧珍 办公室主任